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Welcome to Sekhmet's Own
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Sekhmet's Own is a diverse but growing group
of people whose lives have been significantly touched by
The Living Goddess Sekhmet.
We come from many different backgrounds and traditions but we all share powerful
experiences with this ancient Egyptian lion-headed Goddess. We are all of the Body of
Sekhmet, awakening to Her Call. Unity within diversity. We are here to learn, to grow, to
share, and to support each other.
Em Hotep dear ones:
As promised, (I bend over backwards to keep my promises) today is the day when the Moderating Council members are announced. It is my pleasure to announce that the council will consist of 3 active moderators and 3 honorary advisors.
Active Moderators
Deborah Lyne
Honorary Advisors
Imakhu Christina Paul
These is the new moderating council. To all former council members, thank you for the contributions you have made. We wish you well in your future endeavours.
Sa Sekhem Sahu,
Sekhmet's Own has recently been blessed with messages from Mother Sekhmet sent via some of her Oracles. The most current message is listed below... click here to see a historical record.
Sent to Sekhmet's Own on March 5, 1999 by Charlotte / Kyia
Nakhtsekhmet / SheritRa
Divine daughters, you, all of you.
I was waiting, I knew you would follow your true path to me.
Freyja.. no.. You know me already, in your heart.
I will walk with you if you know I will lead the way always.
Come to me for guidance and protection, I will help you slay your enemies,
you are a strong one.
Tonight when you sleep I will hold you in an embrace like none other,
and I envision you taking the power I am willing to share.
I give this freely to those who follow, no tricks or spoofs.
I do not demand compliance.
Come with me, let us walktogether, I will not forget your Isis.
Choose your name wisely, it will bring you what you ask for in the name.
Together in love, never hatred.
A message from Lady Sekhmet, co-moderator of the list: For those of you who have already explored the depths of Bast or who wish to understand Bast better, I invite your participation in a creative project.
As a part of Zohara's healing, Bast came to me and told me that this is my opportunity to enter into Her energy. For those of you new on the list, Zohara (a devotee of Bast) experienced a life-changing car accident in December. All during the holidays, Zo experienced a major healing through the selfless efforts of the healers on and off Sekhmet'sOwn Onelist. Now she is slowly mending. The first step, Bast told me, was to ask Zo to tap into her creativity and draw images of Bast with crayons. The second step would be for her sister, Aostara (our Sekhmet'sOwn web-mistress) to create a web-page called "Dear Bast" in which Zo's drawings would be published. (Aostara and Zohara have since decided to call the page, "Sister Dear" as a tie in to Sekhmet.)
I did not know the third step until today. It is the wish of Bast that I invite all of
Sekhmet's Own, artists and non-artists alike, to join Zohara in a creative exploration of
the Goddess Bast. Whatever you create--all Images of Bast, poetry, prayers, and other
writings--will be your gift to Bast (and, by extension, to Her sister, Sekhmet). It is
also a healing for Zo and a healing for yourself. Aostara will prepare your
"gifts" for publication on a web-page dedicated to Bast, Sekhmet's Sister Dear.
I think we are beginning to form a group mind enough to be able to use
this forum for synergistically creating something constructive together,which honors the
artist in us, the healer in us, our compassion for others, but most of all--expresses our
love for this beautiful aspect of The Living Goddess. Although I'm a moderator, I bestow
upon Zo -- because she is the catalyst/recipient/initiator of this project -- the right of
choice. She does not have to publish anything on the web-site that she feels uncomfortable
with. I would ask that everything for the SisterDear web-site be shared first with the
entire Sekhmet's Own group so that everyone can be inspired. I think a focus of this type
has promise to help us define who we are in relationship to each other.
The web-page has since been renamed Pages for BAST: Egyptian Cat
Goddess, and moved to a new location: https://members.tripod.com/MauBast/BastPage1.html
9/12/99 - Zohara K
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On November 1, 1998 Sekhmet's Own Web-site was birthed during a moment when the Sun was at it's highest elevation and the Aries Moon was in the third house of communication--bright new beginnings. Our birth day stands between October 31st, Koiak 15, the FEAST OF SEKHMET-BAST-RA (all solar deities) and November 2nd, Koiak 17, the FESTIVAL OF HET-HERT (Hathor--who is just a more feminine, Divine Mother aspect of Sekhmet). Sekhmet's Own acknowledges Kate who worked up our astrology and Christina who provided insights on the Egyptian calender and the "hours" of the day. Let ALL be Accomplished in the name of Sekhmet, |
#SekhmetsOwn channel on IRC
Hosted by Lady SekhmetAST on the Undernet at 8pm EST Wednedays
Sekhmets Own chat
room on SpiritWeb
Hosted by Raven at 8pm PST on Sundays
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All Things Sekhmet by Lady Sekhmet
Sekhmet's Portal and Webring by Aostara
Ancient Egyptian Virtual Temple by
Encounters with Statues
Facing Sekhmet
Finding Strength
Hekau, Prayers and Poems
"The Goddess Sekhmet"
by Robert Masters
Negative Confessions
Offerings (Stones, Scents, Herbs,
Food & Drink)
Panther and Jaguar
Making Papyrus
Spiritual Names
This page is maintained by Aostara
K and Lady Sekhmet.
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