Lady of Transformations
Great One of Magic,
Opener of Ways,
One Before Whom Evil Trembles,
Protectress of the Divine Order,
Overcomer of All Enemies,
Bring the Strength of your Divine Fire
To protect your Beloved Children,
Those whom you have gathered to your Breast.
Great One of Healing,
Flaming One,
Lady of Enchantments,
Mother of Nefer-Tem, the God of Physicians,
The One who Holds back Darkness,
Bring the Strength of your Divine Fire
to Bear on the Forces that Destroy
the Ma'at (Truth) of our Bodies,
the Ma'at of our Minds,
and the Ma'at of our Spirit.
Lady of All Powers,
Victorious One
Bountiful One
Beloved Teacher,
Join us, Bless us, Work through us...
Grant us the Courage to Share our Personal Convictions
And the Patience to Discern the Wisdom of Others
So that Our Understanding of You can Deepen.
Also, Grant us the Strength to show Kindness and Compassion
Towards ourselves and others of Sekhmet's Own.
Our Hearts are Pure
Our Minds Clear
Let all Here be Accomplished
For the Glory of Sekhmet,
So we may better Delight in the Breadth
Of Your Divine Presence within Our lives.