Sekhmet's Own
Thoughts About: Hekau,
Prayers and Poems

Michael wrote on 23 Jan 1999:

O Goddess Of Mystery...Lady of Enchantment....She Who Renders Unto TheSelf-Awareness, Awareness....Unfold within My Being and perception the understanding needed for complete and utter harmonious integration. Deliver unto Me, Thy Child and Way Opener, by merit of Our union and Love, The energies needed by me at this moment to balance that which is felt to be unbalanced, so that I may return unto Thee, The Source Of Life and Liberty, The Frame Work In Which to Mutiply The Images of Love. May all of My Being be Blessed by this.


It is to Thy Work I commit Myself. It is by my Work That Thou hast made manifest Thyself in the World of Wo/Man.


Bid Me Your essential Guidance...languish my ails...fortify my inner strength, which is no more than a spark of thine Cosmic Attribute of the same...


Render unto Me the alchemical promise of self-transformation... so that Thy Work and Great Commision may be realized to The Fullest Potential. Let not the Dark Darts of Illusion hold sway over me...Purge my being of self-created hatred...and Show me the Ways in Which to reclaim my Whole self. For I AM Your Child, A Child of the Most High, And Lady Of The Deepest pit...She Who Is First Before All Things, Out of Which Being Became...

Dear Sekhmet... Heal Me Now!!!

Raistlin wrote on 20 Jan 1999:

Lady of Power,
I commend myself into Your hands.
Open me, burn me, purify
Until in my heart
There is only You.

Christina wrote on 29 Jul 1998:

The prayer you create spoken from the heart is always correct, and then there is hekau.

They are Two different things. Hekau are "specific words of power" meant for a specific purpose and the resulting residual energy left from several thousand years will knock your socks off! Is the approach to their use "snooty"? Yes indeed, sometimes it is but those situations (thankfully) are few and far between. It's sort of like the difference of using a match to light a pilot light on your kitchen stove or a flame thrower. Which is more practical and perhaps a bit less overkill? ;)

There is an inscription that goes like this:

'To know a thing and to know its name is to know its power and to be able to speak it correctly is to be able to bring it into existance.'

Some folks I have talked to about this passage who have read the works R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz are under the impression that its just a matter of "slipping the right vowel between the consonants in the written medw (hieroglyphs) but thats not *quite* what was meant by that passage. :)

Not to worry Siduri, you dont need Hekau to ask invoke or rather ask for Sekhmet's assistance and listening ear. You only need your heart and a sincere heartfelt request. That is really the only requirement, I have found. :)

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